What is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a severe injury to the vertebrae, muscles, or ligaments of the neck caused by a sudden forward and backward jerking of the head and neck. It is the most common injury following car accidents, usually happening in rear-end collisions, and causes long-term pain and stiffness in the neck. Other possible symptoms include back pain, headache, dizziness, and blurred vision.

A recent edition of the journal Spine offered an updated whiplash review from the Canada-based Quebec Task Force, and proposed regular reviews of known predictive factors. The review included 13 studies published since 1995. The studies revealed the most common predictors associated with delayed recovery. Patients with slower recovery times were most likely to be older and female, and to have initial head, neck, or other chronic pain.

Chiropractic Can Help

Doctors of chiropractic have the skills and training to effectively relieve the pain and other debilitating symptoms of whiplash by restoring your full range of motion, realigning your spine, and increasing the strength and flexibility of your neck muscles. If you experience the symptoms of a whiplash injury in a rear-end car accident - even at 5 mph - seek treatment immediately, no matter how minimal the pain. Don’t wait for the symptoms to go away: By avoiding treatment, you will only prolong your recovery and lower your quality of life.

Dr. Dale Patrick at Patrick Chiropractic in Raleigh has many years of experience treating patients who have suffered whiplash injury.  Give our office a call today at 919-790-2288, and we can help you schedule a consultation with Dr. Patrick.


Cote P, Cassidy JD, Carroll L, et al. A systematic review of the prognosis of acute whiplash and a new conceptual framework to synthesize the literature. Spine 2001:26(19), pp. e445-e458.


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