This year I celebrated 30 years of chiropractic practice here in Raleigh.  After graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1985, I did an internship for 18 months in Tacoma, Washington, and then  established my practice in Raleigh in 1987. 

To say that the landscape of health care has changed over the years is an understatement. However, in the midst of all the changes, these things are still true:   

  • Spinal imbalances cause nerve irritation and have a negative effect on your health.  These imbalances can cause neck and back pain, which is typically what brings a patient to my office. 
  • As your chiropractor, I strive to follow the Golden Rule as described in the Bible:  Treat others how you would like to be treated.
  • My goal is to help my patients as much as I can, as quickly as I can.

When I began my career as a chiropractor, I set a goal to practice for 50 years! That may have been a lofty goal; perhaps I will make it, God willing. Either way, I will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve my patients.  You are the reason I started, and you are the reason I have continued for so many years.  The truth is, whether you have been a patient for years or are relatively new to my practice, I appreciate each of you and the trust you have placed in me. 

Thank you for allowing me to be your chiropractor, and for being an important part of my practice! I look forward to our continued partnership in helping you achieve your health goals. Always feel free to contact our office at 919-790-2288 if you have any questions or concerns.

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