Many people are concerned with the rising cost of health care.  This concern might cause you to avoid seeking treatment for painful conditions, for fear of high medical costs.  However, recent studies have shown that regular chiropractic care can help to lower your overall healthcare costs.  Regular chiropractic treatment was found to increase health and reduce spine problems.  If you would like to stay healthy and lower the cost of your health care, consider chiropractic!  Call Patrick Chiropractic in Raleigh, NC today at (919) 790-2288 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patrick to discuss your treatment options.

Want more info?  Check out this article below to learn more about how chiropractic can save you money!

chiropractic careBenefits of Chiropractic Use

January 21, 2014


Research shows that CAM users save money on health care.  CAM stands for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which includes chiropractic, acupuncture and nutritional supplements, among other forms of nondrug, nonsurgical care. Many believe that using these forms of health care can lead to better health at a lower cost.

A recent study found that “adjusted annual medical costs among CAM users was $424 lower for spine-related costs, and $796 lower for total health care cost than among non-CAM users.” Given the rising cost of health care, it would be wise to consider how chiropractic and other “alternative” forms of care can help you and your family stay healthy and avoid drugs and surgery.  CAM users reported a significantly better perception of their physical and mental health, as well as fewer physical, functional, social and disabling limitations.

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