
How is our health like our car keys?  Well, you really don't think much about your car keys do you? Even when you are getting ready to go somewhere you pick them up and start the car without a thought as your mind races in a million other directions. BUT, if you can't find them and you need to leave they become the main focus of your world!
Our health is often the same way.  We take it for granted until we have a crisis and then it has our undivided attention, as it should. An easy way to keep track of your keys is to always place them in the same place. Our health can be a little more challenging.  The best time to be concerned about your health is not only when there is a crisis, but also when we are feeling fine.
There are many things we can do to be proactive and increase the likelihood of staying healthy.   We all know that a good diet, proper sleep, reduced stress, and exercise help to improve our health.  But many ignore the role chiropractic care plays in maintaining good health.  By improving the function of the spine and nervous system chiropractic adjustments improve the body's ability to adapt and function.  The definition of health involves proper, coordinated function in our body.  Chiropractic care can have incredible results in not only reducing pain, but keeping you healthy.  If a chiropractor is not on your "health team" you are missing an important member who can help regain and maintain your health.  If you have questions about health or chiropractic, please contact Patrick Chiropractic at (919) 790-2288.  Thanks,  Dale Patrick, DC

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