Everyone wants to have less stress in their life, but have you ever considered chiropractic to reduce stress and boost your health? It is well-known that chiropractic is effective for a variety of pain conditions, but over the last few years, more and more studies are showing that chiropractic can help reduce stress and help us improve our overall health. Some of these studies have shown that chiropractic can alter immune function, affect heart rate, and even reduce blood pressure. A
2011 study from Japan suggests that chiropractic may have an even bigger impact on your body than you think.
Stress is an incredibly important indicator of health, and if there's one thing that will kick your immune system into overdrive, it's chronic spinal pain. Scientists in Japan wanted to see whether chiropractic could alter stress levels in 12 men and women with neck pain. To understand how chiropractic impacts anxious emotions, you could ask patients to report their changing moods before and after treatment. But scientists in Japan wanted to get a more objective picture of how chiropractic adjustments impact the nervous system, so they used PET scans to monitor brain activity and saliva samples to track hormone changes.
After receiving a chiropractic neck adjustment, patients had altered brain activity in the parts of the brain responsible for pain processing and stress reactions. They also had significantly reduced cortisol levels, indicating decreased stress. Participants also reported lower pain scores and a better quality of life after treatment.
These findings suggest that chiropractic adjustments affect how our body interprets and copes with pain, which could enhance its response to disease and injury. As scientists learn more about the human body and the role of the nervous system, it’s clear that chiropractic can play a powerful role in promoting true wellness, rather than just symptom relief.
If you are in pain, or just want to learn how chiropractic can help reduce stress and boost your general health, Patrick Chiropractic in Raleigh is here to serve you. Please contact our office at 919-790-2288 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Dale Patrick.
Ogura, Takeshi and Manabu Tashiro, Mehedi,Shoichi Watanuki, Katsuhiko Shibuya, Keiichiro Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Itoh, Hiroshi Fukuda, Kazuhiko Yanai. Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation for neck pain. Alternative Therapies. 2011, November/December; 17 (6): 12-17.